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Following our latest progress meeting on Tuesday this week, we are aiming for a conversion date of the 01st April 2025 to join Warrington Primary Academy Trust. This is an exciting time for us here at Callands and we will continue to update you if there are any changes to this deadline.

Thank you for your continued interest and support.

Please find above a summary of questions asked and responses provided, as at 26 April 2024 in relation to the Callands Conversion Consultation with parents. 

We wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has engaged so far with the consultation on proposals to convert Callands Community Primary School to academy status and become part of Warrington Primary Academy Trust (WPAT). Your questions and views are extremely important to us. Our original plan was to conclude the consultation process on 1 April but in order to give parents and other key stakeholders as much time as possible to put their questions to us - and review answers – we have decided to extend that period for another month, until 9am on Wednesday 1 May. 

We are also announcing two face to face opportunities for parents and any other interested stakeholders to put their questions and any concerns to governors and WPAT representatives.

These drop-in sessions/meetings will be held at the school on the following dates:

5pm, Thursday 25 April

9am, Friday 26 April

We have already received lots of questions and opinions from parents and we are compiling detailed responses.  More information will be shared on this page before those meetings.

Thank you once again for your interest and engagement in this process.

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