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Physical Education

How we teach PE

At Callands, we use the Real PE system alongside the National Curriculum to assist in achieving all the objectives. Each half term consists of one unit, and they utilie all of the National Curriculum objectives. Teachers can fit in other lessons outside of Real PE if they think that it coincides with what they are learning at the time. They can apply skills from other sports or CPD they have received. We give all children the chance to engage in extra-curricular activities during and after school, in addition to competitive sporting events. It is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also a positive wellbeing and mindset for all pupils.

We follow the National Curriculum to plan our PE curriculum.

National Curriculum

Links to British Values

What your child will learn

  • Enjoy taking part in PE and have positive attitudes towards sport and physical activity.
  • Take responsibility for their own health and fitness, developing a love of sport, leading to a happy and healthy life.
  • Develop competence and control in gross and fine motor skills that they need to take part in PE and sport.
  • The process of risk management, in order to establish good habits and awareness of safety and personal hygiene.
  • Use imaginative ways to express and communicate ideas, solve problems and overcome challenges, both as individuals and as part of a team or group.
  • Recognise that sport is an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle and understand that this supports having a healthy body and mind.
  • Develop stamina, suppleness, strength, determination and resilience.

Long Term Plan

Medium Term Planning


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