Educational accreditations are a type of quality assurance process under which service and operations of educational institutions or programs are evaluated by an external body to determine if applicable standards are met. If standards are met, accredited status is granted by the appropriate agency.

In January 2022, we were once again awarded the Gold standard in the Liverpool Reading Quality Mark. We were previously given this three years ago but we are particulalry proud of our achievements in being awarded this at this time given the difficult two years we have had and the limitations Covid placed on us in relation to Reading. The assessor spent the day in school interviewing staff, seeing the teaching of reading taking place and talking to our Reading Ambassadors. This work was led by Mrs Chambers and Mrs Davies. The report written by the assessor can be found below:
In July 2021, we received written notification that we have been successfully awarded the AfPE Quality Mark for the second time. This work was led by Miss McDermott and the panel recognised the following in particular:
- 'The opportunities provided for children to continue with their physical education and physical activity during the Covid – 19 lockdowns was impressive. The virtual lessons provided were very well attended and had a big impact on the children’s physical and mental health.
- During the last 3 years all teachers have developed a passion for teaching Physical Education. The good teaching has ensured that Physical Education, Physical Activity and School Sport have a good impact on whole school development'.

In July 2021, we received written notification that we have been successfully awarded the Gold RE Quality Mark for ‘for embedding excellent, creative and innovative RE practice throughout the school and for recognition as outstanding in the wider
Community’. You may remember that in July 2019 we achieved the Bronze Award and since then Mrs McShane as RE Lead has managed staff and children in achieving the Gold status just two years later. The assessor feedback can be seen on the school website.Well done everyone on this achievement, particularly given how challenging the last two academic years have been.
Many of you may recall that we achieved the Quality Mark for History Gold Award in December 2017 and this accreditation lasts 3 years. As a result of Covid 19 last year, all accreditations with the national Historical Association were delayed. However, I am thrilled to inform you that Miss Clayton has been leading the school through this again this year and yesterday we learned that the external assessor has concluded that, ‘History at Callands continues to be assessed at Gold standard overall’. You can read this report in full on the Accreditations tab of our school website. As highlighted by the assessor, ‘Even with the constraints of Covid, history teaching at Callands continues to be strong, with varied approaches being utilised’. This makes this award even more meaningful this time. Well done to Miss Clayton for leading this piece of work, all the staff for their continued hard (and more importantly successful) work and all children for responding so positively to their teachers. I am proud of you all. (June 2021)
In Septemer 2020, we were successful in achieving the Silver Primary Geography Quality Mark. This underpinned our committment to improving Geography further, given we were previously awarded the Bronze award. Mr Kirk has led us in this work and he has already started to take us on the journey toward the Gold Award. Well done everyone for the hard work in achieving this.

In September 2019, we were awarded the Design and Technology Mark by the DT Association. After just one year at our school, Mrs Westwood has led us in achiving this accreditation with lots of hard work. 'We were impressed with your final submission, and the quality of the design and technology taking place at your school'. Ryan Ball, their Curriculum Trainer will present this award in assembly on 7 November in school. Mrs Westwood has also been asked to write an article for the DT Association about the work we do in school. Well done everyone.

In July 2019 we were awarded the 360 degree Online Safety Mark. An Assessor from the South West Grid for Learning recently visited to review the school’s online safety provision. The Assessor met school staff, parents and carers, Governors and pupils and was pleased to find that the school provides a high level of protection for users of digital technologies. The South West Grid for Learning Trust provides the internet connection and a range of other services to schools across the SW region and, as the lead partner in the UK Safer Internet Centre, is in the forefront of national and international developments in online safety. To enhance these services, they have developed a tool to help schools address online safety issues, not least the changes to Ofsted inspections, which include a stronger focus on safeguarding. The online tool allows schools to evaluate their online safety policy and practice and then suggests how the school might do more to protect young people and staff. To apply for the 360 degree safe Online Safety Mark, schools have to reach a series of benchmark levels when they complete the online self review. The evidence is then verified by a visit from experienced Assessors. The prime benefit of using the review and applying for the Online Safety Mark is that it does not focus on the individual aspects of online safety such as technological solutions, but instead it integrates online safety into school policy and the curriculum, challenging teachers and leaders in the school to think about their provision and its continual evolution. Schools are expected to show that they have provided a high standard of online safety education and awareness for all staff , pupils and also for parents and carers, to ensure that these users of digital technologies can be safe online – whether they are in school, in their homes or out and about using mobile devices. Well done to Mrs Williams who led this work.

In July 2019 we were awarded the RE Quality Mark - status Bronze. The REQM recognises high quality RE, particularly those schools which are providing their learners with authentic experiences and contributing to whole school outcomes. RE makes a powerful contribution to young people’s learning. It provides them with the chance to explore the big ideas of religion and belief and to think about what matters in their own lives. Good RE supports the development of the whole child. It also has a significant contribution to make to whole school improvement. With the renewed focus from Ofsted on the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development for all pupils, it is more important than ever that RE is recognised and celebrated. The RE Quality Mark has two purposes: it recognises good practice in RE and also provides a powerful tool for development. Mrs McShane has led this work - well done.

In July 2019 we were awarded the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools Mental Health Award - Silver Status. The Department for Education recognises the direct link between positive mental health in schools and successful educational outcomes; the Mental Health Award for Schools builds on this link and provides a framework for educational institutions to evidence policies and initiatives that work towards improving emotional health and wellbeing for both staff and pupils. Well done everyone but particulalry Mrs Brinkworth.

In January 2019, we were awarded the 'Working Towards Gold Equaliteach Accreditation' following their Head of Strategy's visit to our school. She is of the belief that by the end of this year we should achieve the Gold Award for all our work on equalities e.g.
- Eliminating discrimination, advancing equality of opportunity, and fostering good relations (Equality Act, 2010)
- Promoting community cohesion (Education and Inspections Act, 2006)
- Preventing people being drawn into terrorism (Counter Terrorism and Security Act, 2015)
- Safeguarding children and promoting spiritual moral, social and cultural development (Education Act 2002)
In September 2018, we were awarded the Anti Bullying Alliance Gold Award. Being part of All Together means that our school has strengthened its anti-bullying practices and improved the wellbeing of our pupils. The Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) has been developing this programme over the past three years and it builds upon the work of the SEND anti-bullying champion programme which saw significant positive results. The aim of the programme is to establish All Together Schools. These are schools that have evidenced their work to reduce bullying of all pupils, including disabled pupils and those with special educational needs (SEN) who, evidence shows, are more likely to experience bullying. We congratulate Mrs Brinkworth who has led this work and the rest of the staff and children on this achievement.
In September 2018, we were awarded the Silver Artsmark by the Arts Council England. They sent the following;
Arts Council England celebrates your ongoing commitment to arts and cultural education, and the opportunities emerging across your whole setting. Your children and young people are offered equal opportunity to participate in a broad range of arts and cultural experiences, and you recognise the importance of development opportunities for your staff that have tangible results in these areas.
You understand the value of working with arts and cultural organisations and other settings, and are developing partnerships to enhance your provision. Your children and young people have an opportunity to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of arts and culture, and you are working to instil confidence and build on the foundations of your provision'.
We congratulate Mrs Lee who has led this work and the rest of the staff and children on this achievement.
![Aertsmark] Aertsmark]](/warrington/primary/callands/arenas/websitecontent/web/aertsmark].jpg?width=1920&height=1080&scale=LIMIT_MAXSIZE)
In May 2018 we were awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark Bronze Award. Jane Turner, PSQM National Director said: “Gaining a Primary Science Quality Award is a significant achievement for a school. The profile and quality of science teaching and learning in each awarded school is very high. Children are engaging with great science both in and outside the classroom, developing positive attitudes towards science as well as secure science understanding and skills. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, head teachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud.” We congratulate Miss B McDermott who has led this work and the rest of the staff and children on this achievement.
In September 2018, we were awarded the School Games Gold Award. You may remember we already had the Silver accreditation but have improved further in 2017/8. A fundamental reason behind this change is because of the significant number of after school clubs we offer and the percentages of children who attend these. We congratulate Miss L McDermott who has led this work and the rest of the staff and children on this achievement.
In January 2018, we were awarded the Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Bronze Award. Unicef works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. The Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens. We congratulate Mrs Lee who has led this work and the rest of the staff and children on this achievement.

In December 2017, we received the Historical Association GOLD Quality Mark. The report attached provides all the detail so please take a look. Miss Clayton led the work for this.

In October 2017, Callands was successful in achieving the Stonewall Silver Accrediation. The Bronze, Silver and Gold awards give greater recognition to schools tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and celebrating diversity. They also enable schools to effectively benchmark their progress and give direction to their ongoing work in this area. Miss Fairhurst has led this work.

In September 2017, we received notification that we have been successful in achieving The Primary Geography Quality Mark (PGQM). This award is based on reviewing, sharing and building on best practice to ensure that each and every pupil is engaged in dynamic and engaging learning which is contextualised by the world around them. Mr Kirk has led this work and he will now work to achieve Silver status.

In August 2017, the School was awarded the Primary Languages Development Award. The Primary Languages Development Award enables primary schools to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their MFL provision. Schools can achieve Establishing, Enhancing and Outstanding awards. To achieve a Primary Languages Development Award schools follow a simple process of self–assessment and evidence gathering supported by our primary languages mentor and submit this online to the Primary Languages Network. Mrs Bootland has led this work and she will now work towards the Enhancing element.

In July 2017, Callands was successful in achieving the BIG (Bullying Intervention Group) Award. The BIG AWARD is given for excellence in bullying intervention. It is offered to schools, services, groups or Local Authorities. Members work to meet the externally agreed criteria to be awarded.
The criteria are carefully managed to suit the needs of different organisations. This award is both earned and evidenced. This award shows that your school or service takes bullying seriously enough to work towards accepted good practice. Miss Fairhurst has led this work.
In March 2017, Callands was successful in achieving the afPE quality mark. The Association for Physical Education (afPE) is the only PE Subject Association in the UK.
They are committed to being the representative organisation of choice for people and organisations delivering or supporting the delivery of physical education in schools and in the wider community. Their work includes developing physical education related policy and related statements, responding to consultations, meeting with representatives from partner organisations and political representatives, and promoting the subject in a variety of forums. Their purpose is to promote and maintain high standards and safe practice in all aspects and at all levels of physical education, influencing developments in physical education at national and local levels. Miss Whittaker led this work.